

There’s an unusual amount of traffic heading up my road today.

I’d already been to Darling’s room once, encouraging her to climb out of bed and get ready for school.  This was round two…


…so why was I getting such an enthusiastic response from my half asleep teen buried deep beneath layers of blankets and pillows?

Because I just informed her that school is  closed due to flooding, that’s why.

Our mounds of white mud are melting away, creating havoc when combined with the torrential rains that have joined the warming weather.  I heard the rain pounding down all night long and knew I’d wake up to flooded stalls this morning.  The snow was so deep that it was at a higher elevation than the barn, and as the packed snow and ice melts, it has no choice but to run directly into the bedrooms of my horses.  And so I shall have quite the mess to clean up.

Had it not been for City Boy’s phone call, I’d not have known school was closed.  I’d have shuffled Darling out the door and left her waiting for the bus in the pouring rain.   Eventually she’d have come home looking like a drowned rat.  City Boy had been on his way home from work when he heard the news on his radio.  Just as he was calling me, he came across a road closed sign and had to make a detour (which explains the traffic in front of my house this morning.)  When he finally made it home, he informed me that our road, too, is flooding.

Of course, there’s nothing like a good natural disaster to get me out with my camera!

It doesn’t appear all too impressive here, although if our road has this much water, I’m certain the river will be great fun to photograph.  I’d best get Darling up so she doesn’t miss the excitement!

Today is Darling’s birthday.  She’s 15.  She’s also still in bed, the lazy birthday bum!

I looked at Geek Boy this morning and said, “Do you know that Darling could go get her driver’s permit today?”

He looked horrified, “No…that wouldn’t be good.  I’ve seen her drive in video games.”

I laughed, “I’ve seen her push shopping carts!”

We both laughed…

Darling will not be getting her permit today, or any day soon.  Thankfully, she’s not in a rush to drive all her friends around, and with the snow and ice on the ground she can surely use that as an excuse for not wanting to rush it.

And why drive when you can ride?  Snooping around Darling’s videos I found this one that she shot of herself and Sandy.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did…

…and Darling, if you’re reading this…you’re one cool kid!  Happy Birthday, Darling!

Merry Christmas!

Global what???

It’s everywhere. That light, fluffy and deceptively alluring objectionable white stuff has covered my world and created once more a Winter Wonderland. Wonder, as in wondering why the heck am I not living where global warming is having a greater effect???

Over the course of the past week we’ve managed to collect at least 18″ of the dreadful four letter S word, with temps plummeting into the single digits here in the valley, lower still once you head into Little Canada (north county) where the wind blows.

This morning after feeding hungry horses and sheep, I grabbed my camera and took a few photos in the pre-dawn moments. Despite the cold, I was determined to capture the horror of my situation here and share it with you.

Darling’s mind has completely gone. Snow madness, I suspect. I came inside and found her editing a video she’d shot of herself riding Sandy out in the snow…she had her arms stretched out like she was an airplane as he jogged in circles.

“What the heck are you doing?” I demanded in my best mother voice.

“I figure this is the time to try riding with no hands; the landing’s got to be softer!”


I am currently training a new horse for the Northwest Extreme Mustang Makeover!  If  you’d like to keep up with what Darling and I are doing on a more regular basis, please visit the Mustang Diaries.


I went to make my morning hot chocolate…and my can is nigh empty!  Not nearly enough for even half a cup!  Oh…how could I have been so distracted as to not refill my chocolate… 😯  How will I function today?  The horses are just darned lucky I managed to stumble out to them in the dark and feed prior to being deprived of my morning’s blood transfusion…

Hey, look! A Snickers bar!  Guess that’ll have to do for now… 🙄